Story Gatherings | Nashville, Tennessee

Find the Storytellers

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Written by Harris III

Find the Storytellers

As our country stoops in grief over the events in Orlando this weekend, I am reminded again of the vital role storytellers play in shaping our culture.

This year’s STORY conference theme was inspired by a quote by Walt Disney – whose imprint in Orlando seems eerily serendipitous now:

“That’s what we storytellers do. We restore order with imagination and instill hope again, and again, and again.”

While all is chaos and grief and anger and confusion – we are called to instill hope again.

After yet another shooting.
Instill hope again.

Another terrorist act.
Instill hope again.

Another politician politicizing suffering.
Instill hope again.

Dozens of lives taken with no answers or understanding.
Instill hope again.


And again.


And again.

Social media amplifies the arguments, frustration, pain and the chaos that follows political division, natural disasters and man-made tragedies.

That idea of restoring order sounds really good right about now, doesn’t it?

I am convinced the conversation of STORY is needed now more than ever. We each need to be reminded of the power we have as storytellers.

You’ve heard, “look for the helpers,” which is part of a quote from childhood icon Fred Rogers about where to find inspiration following a crisis.

I say, look for the storytellers.

You and I have a tremendous opportunity to re-write the narratives society plays out day after day.

Because you can tell a story well, you have influence. More than you know.

STORY is designed to help you to succeed at doing your best, most important work.

We need you. Join us.

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Harris III

Director and curator of STORY.