Story Gatherings | Nashville, Tennessee

Tell the stories that change the world

Gather together with a global community of purposeful, creative professionals to be inspired, equipped, and empowered to create a brighter future for your community using the power of storytelling.

You are a storyteller. Tell stories that make a difference. 

Leverage the Power of Storytelling

We believe storytellers like you are the architects of the future. And the stories you tell are the building blocks of our world. That means you wield the power to either destroy or rebuild. You must decide how you will use that power.

Will you choose to be an intentional storyMAKER? Will you craft a narrative that influences and inspires others to build a better future? Will you question the status quo, fight for a flicker of hope, and press on toward wonder and possibility?

Whether you're leading a corporate team or traveling the world capturing photos, you are a storyteller. And the stories you tell matter.

If you want to do creative work that matters on an epic scale...

If you know your best work, and greatest impact, cannot be held back any longer...

If you're ready to create a better future for yourself, your community, and our world...

Take control of the narrative and start writing the story you want to live. Big things are just around the corner.

The Assessment

Discover the dominant motivation behind the stories you tell

This free, 2-minute assessment will help you uncover your unique storytelling type, so you can focus your efforts and accelerate your learning.

What is your storyteller type?

harris photo
Director & Curator

Harris III

With almost 30 years of experience as a creative entrepreneur, author, speaker, and coach, Harris III (“the third”) is the visionary director and curator behind STORY.

Harris began his career at a young age, traveling the world as an award-winning, professional illusionist. He has performed for and spoken live to more than two million people in more than 30 countries on five continents. His performances have been televised to millions more on the Travel Channel and ABC Family.

After traveling the globe and making a million dollars by age 21, only to go bankrupt a year later, Harris kick-started a decade-long journey to understand the stories we tell ourselves and how they drive all human behavior. Armed with a unique perspective, his career re-exploded as a renowned speaker, storyteller, and entrepreneur.

He is the author of the book The Wonder Switch, founder of the creative coaching program The Poetics Guild, and a sought-after speaker serving global brands like Apple, Google, Disney, and Nike, along with some of the most innovative nonprofit organizations and government agencies in the world—even NASA.

Get Started

Ready to shape the future?

Join the global community of 20,000+ intentional storyMAKERS transforming our future.

Since 2016, STORY has been gatherings some of the world's best storytellers from a variety of industries and backgrounds to collaborate, inspire, challenge, and equip one another to do our best, most impactful work yet.

Whether you're an author, speaker, creator, entrepreneur, or represent a company like Google, Disney, IBM, Pinterest, you have a home in this diverse community of purposeful storytellers.


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